Business Value
Buying the Boss Out Have you imagined owning the company that employs you? Have you thought about the wealth that you could generate? This could be possible if you work for a small business in a management capacity and the owner is close to retirement. The information below provides a foundation. The Opportunity Based on…
Read MoreSelling an engineering business requires time and planning to achieve success. Eventually, everyone leaves their engineering business.
Read MoreDawn and Preston Slater, owners of a machine shop with $7 million in annual revenue, sat down and announced, “We have decided to leave the business as soon as possible. We’ve got our management team in place and want to execute a transfer of the entire business in the next six to 24 months.…
Read MoreWhen we talk about building value in the context of Exit Planning, we ask the following questions:
1. What is the company’s current value?
2. What value must the company achieve to enable its owner to reach his or her lifetime income and other Exit Objectives?
3. Which tactics can owners employ to close any gaps between today’s business value and the value they need upon exiting?
4. How can owners transfer business value most efficiently (in terms of taxes and otherwise)?
Ultimately your success is not determined by how well you ran your business, but by how well the business runs without you. If you cannot be replaced, your business can not be sold to an insider or an outside third party. We Want to fix that!
Read MoreYou can’t just wait until you are ready to leave your business to find out how much “value” you need or want and how much “value” exists in your business. By then it will be too late.
Read MoreGet More Bang For The Buck: Use Cash Bonuses And Golden Handcuffs To Increase Business Value Too often, owners only discover that the compensation plans they’ve put in place for key employees are sadly inadequate when those key employees leave their companies for greener pastures. The departure of one or more of these key employees…
Read MoreMost business people are familiar with the audit performed by their accountants. The purpose of an accounting audit is to verify the accuracy of the financial information appearing on the company’s financial statements. A legal audit is similar in that the legal affairs of a business are subjected to an independent rigorous review by a…
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